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What are the Advantages of Rotational Molding?

What are the Advantages of Rotational Molding?

Rotational molding is the most distinct plastic shaping processes. Compared with extrusion and injection molding, the process has distinctive advantages use to create hollow plastic products in a vast variety of shape and size with uniform wall thickness with high quality performance. The process is also extremely versatile for a variety of different surface finishes and textures. The products can add inserts to avoid the cost of 2nd operation. The tooling cos is relatively lower and little material is wasted in production.
Nov 02,2021
What You Can Expect from Light Venus in a Custom Roto Molding Project

What You Can Expect from Light Venus in a Custom Roto Molding Project

Light Venus is boast of strong engineering team. From the very beginning of a roto molding project, we are customer focused with the guidance of professional rotational molding technology, and carry out the engineering project in an orderly manner to meet customers' expectations and needs through customer satisfaction.
Nov 02,2021
What is Rotational Molding?

What is Rotational Molding?

Rotational molding, also known as roto molding, rotational moulding and rotary molding, is a plastics molding technology which is ideal for making hollow products.
Sep 02,2021
What Makes a Good Roto Molding Machine?

What Makes a Good Roto Molding Machine?

The efficiency and productivity of a roto molding machine depend on the reasonable structures of mechanical parts, electric system,heating chamber,transmission systems and the operation system.
Sep 02,2021
How to Choose Pigments for Rotational Molding Plastic Products?

How to Choose Pigments for Rotational Molding Plastic Products?

Besides knowing the types of pigments used in plastics, it is also important to know the key factors and technical performance to be considered when choosing the the best pigments and colorants for rotational molding. Major performance properties of pigments in plastics are decided by their weather resistance or aging, heat resistance, pigment fluidity, the final application , manufacturing process and environmental factors. When determining how to color rotomoulded product, there are many factors to consider in order to achieve high quality levels.
Sep 02,2021
What Plastic Pigments are Used in Rotational Molding?

What Plastic Pigments are Used in Rotational Molding?

The application of pigments in rotational molding is for coloring. There are major performance properties of plastic colorants in plastics applications. Choosing the suitable plastic pigments and colorants for rotational molding is also critical to produce high quality rotomoulded plastic products.
Sep 02,2021
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