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How to Test the Surface Hardness in Rotational Molding Process?

How to Test the Surface Hardness in Rotational Molding Process?

An overview of surface hardness testing in rotational molding process and the guidance on how to test surface hardness effectively.
Feb 01,2024
How To Control Air Flow in Rotomolding Process?

How To Control Air Flow in Rotomolding Process?

Proper air flow management in rotomolding process is essential for achieving uniform heating, preventing deformation, and ensuring the high-quality of the final rotomolded products
Jan 31,2024
How to Inspect Rotational Molding Tooling Before Production

How to Inspect Rotational Molding Tooling Before Production

There are some guidelines on how to inspect the rotational molding tooling prior to production, including visual inspection, verifying dimensional accuracy, evaluating surface finish, checking the gate and ventilation system, and assessing mold material integrity.
Jan 30,2024
How Rotomolding Factory Can Prevent Rotomolded Products from Deformation?

How Rotomolding Factory Can Prevent Rotomolded Products from Deformation?

Preventing product deformation in rotomolding process requires careful consideration of various factors, including material selection, mold design and construction, processing parameters, uniform heating and cooling, and strict quality control.
Jan 29,2024
What are the Factors Affecting the Appearance of Rotomolded Rroducts?

What are the Factors Affecting the Appearance of Rotomolded Rroducts?

The appearance quality of rotational molding products is influenced by various factors, including material selection, mold design and construction, processing parameters, colorant and additive choices, and surface finish.
Jan 28,2024
How to Enhance Production Efficiency in Custom Rotational Molding?

How to Enhance Production Efficiency in Custom Rotational Molding?

Enhancing production efficiency in custom rotational molding requires a multi-faceted approach, including material selection, mold design, processing parameters, automation, oven efficiency, cooling processes, and continuous improvement.
Jan 27,2024
Rotomolded Plastic Speaker Enclosures are Widely Used in Professional Applications

Rotomolded Plastic Speaker Enclosures are Widely Used in Professional Applications

A single pieces rotomolded plastic speaker enclosure, made in made in polyethylene, fully UV protected, can effectively withstand the extreme climatic condition. They are widely used in a wide range of professional indoor or outdoor applications.
Oct 27,2023
Light Venus Makes Specific Fixtures for Each Rotomolded Product on Site

Light Venus Makes Specific Fixtures for Each Rotomolded Product on Site

At Light Venus, CNC fixtures, or jigs are made specifically for each custom rotational molding project are completed on site. We can make sure the production process is accurate and efficient to meet the exact requirement.
Sep 23,2023
Why Use the Fixtures to Prevent the Rotomolded Products from Shrinkage and Deformation?

Why Use the Fixtures to Prevent the Rotomolded Products from Shrinkage and Deformation?

Fixtures or jigs are commonly used in the rational molding process to hold the product to prevent the rotomolded products from shrinkage and deformation. This is in order to ensure that the product size is accurate after cooling.
Sep 16,2023
Technical Support: Magic Lamp